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Indonesia #1
Certified Online
Course App

“Helping 130 million of Indonesian’s workers
to upskill and get professional certification
at scale”

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Helping workers to improve their skill for career advancement

Most Indonesian workers only make less than US$300 in salary per month. People wants to improve their skill to have career advancement, better job, and higher income. But traditional schools are not equally accessible and often too far away. It's a huge challenge for 130 million workers in Indonesia.

Arkademi offers vocational certified online courses on our app that can be accessed on-demand and on-the-go at very affordable cost, helping workers to improve their skill for career advancement or a better job.

We are partnered with more than 100 schools, licensed training centers, and professional certification institutes

We are commited in helping Indonesian workers in career advancement and better work outcome by democritizing access to continous learning catching up to industry 4.0, competitiveness and prosperity improvement, and user-oriented.

We are partnered with more than 100 schools, licensed training centers, and professional certification institutes in providing hundreds of the best grade certified online courses in high quality standart learning video delivered by experienced instructors.

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Our Vision


Helping Indonesian workers to scale the
competitiveness and prosperity


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Hilman Fajrian
CEO/CTO & Co-founder

Wrote his first computer code when he was 8. Joined #1 prestigious law school in Indonesia then founded his first tech company two years later in 2000. Living his entrepreneurial journey, Hilman also founded another 6 companies in tech and media with 2 successful exits. Certified by Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, University of California, and Ludwig-Maximilian München in entreprenurship, competitive strategy, and business administration.

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Resi Dwi Erveny
Chief Learning Officer & Co-founder

Resi joined the biggest energy company in Indonesia as Chief of Leadership Learning when she was 31, working side-by-side with McKinsey to develop the next generational of professionals. A high-level learning designer and talent management, she has architected various corporate transformation projects before starting her own business as an HR consultant for energy companies in Indonesia.



Our Journey


Born in a small town in Kalimantan, the founders aspired to help Indonesians to expand the most large-scale access to affordable vocational education through technology. Focused on improving productivity, competitiveness, and prosperity.

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September 10, 2017

First experiment

First experiment located in Balikpapan, East Borneo. Produced and distributed the first course videos 'Inbound Marketing' on Facebook group. Gained over 1,000 views in a week

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September 19, 2017

Released simple LMS

Released simple LMS using Wix. Acquired over 500 users in a week

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September 28, 2017

Stared intial development of LMS website

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October 15, 2017

Launched alpha version

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November 2, 2017

Launched beta version

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December 20, 2017

Started commercial stage

Started commercial stage by launched the MVP with 1 paid courses. Hit 500 transactions in $3,500 GMV in 10 days

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June 30, 2018

Provide over 40 online courses in C2C model. Hit over 6,000 transactions in $ 21,000 GMV.

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August 31, 2018

Closed angel round raised $150,000

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January 1, 2019

Pivoted to B2B2C model partnering with training centers providing certified online courses

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March 12, 2019

Tax certification online course

Released tax certification online course, the first and only in Indonesia. Partnering with HIPMI Tax Center and Flazztax

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September 25, 2019

Speaker at Amazon Web Service (AWS) Summit Day 2019 in Singapore

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December 31, 2019

Providing total 83 courses. Grown 1,400% in GMV, 615% transaction, 300% in users YoY

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January 10, 2020

Closed seed round. Funded by SOSV an USA based VC

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March, 2020

SOSV-MOX 8 Demo Day in Taipei and Singapore

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April 3, 2020

Partnered to Indonesia Government

Partnered to Indonesia Government as official course provider in Preemployment Card training program service over 25m of Indonesian workers to 2024

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May 5, 2020

Mentioned by DailySocial

Mentioned by DailySocial as the 2nd most popular adult online learning platform in Indonesia surpassed Udemy, Coursera, Haktiv8, HarukaEdu, Edx, and Udacity

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June 1, 2020

Mentioned by Tech in Asia

Mentioned by Tech in Asia as 50 rising startup in SEA on the path to becoming the next big thing

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December 31, 2020

Providing total 215 courses. Grown 4,800% in GMV, 9,442% in transaction, 966% users YoY, and made profit 68% NPM

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Government Official Course Provider of Pre-employment Card Program

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As Seen On

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Course Partners

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